Monday, November 26, 2007

Question 3

Knowing that Esperanza was an immigrant and her struggles to cross the border. Does your view on illegal immigrant change?


Paige R. said...

My veiw on illegal immigration is that they should be allowed into the United States if they have a reason and follow the laws of this country. Mama and Esperanza seemed to do these things. Many immigrants have trouble crossing the border and i believe that if they need to live in a better place they should be able too. My veiw doesn't change at all.

Alyza D. said...

My view on illegal immigration does not change. No matter what the immigrants go through to get to the United States, it is still ILLEGAL. I feel that it is not fair that people can sneak into our country. I don't understand why they cannot just apply to be a citizen, why do they need to "sneak" into America in the first place?

Sra. Murphy said...

Great questions and comments! But do you think Esperanza and her mother would have been able to apply for citizenship? (Your chances at becoming a citizen if you are from Central/South America and don't have family here are pretty much nil.) What other options were available to them?

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